Monterrey, Mexico, stands out as the epicenter of nearshoring, attracting investors and entrepreneurs globally.
According to data from Datoz, in 2023, the city registered impressive FDI, reflecting a growing interest in its industrial spaces. Likewise, the Ministry of Tourism reported that, at the beginning of that year, Monterrey Airport received 45,704 international tourists. This marks a significant increase over the previous year.
On the other hand, according to the Coparmex of Nuevo Leon, in 2022, the state was the preferred destination for foreigners seeking job opportunities, with 62,541 migrants arriving for that purpose. This represents 12% of the country's total migration for that purpose.
The nearshoring in the Northeast of Mexico projects stability for at least the next decade. Nuevo León will lead the way and account for 76% of this phenomenon, according to specialists. This will drive the growth of municipalities such as Garcia, Pesqueria, Zuazua and Cienega de Flores. This means that peripheral costs will be more accessible, according to experts.
At the event 'ABC Forums: The nearshoring revolution', experts highlighted the multiple benefits that this trend offers Nuevo León. They highlighted its high competitiveness and its capacity to attract companies and investors. The robust economic level, human talent and international openness were emphasized. All this as a description of Nuevo León, making it an ideal destination for business relocation in Mexico.
At Casa Curie Monterreywe are excited to witness and participate in this exciting period of growth and development in the region. If you are looking for a unique experience in Monterrey, we invite you to be part of our community!