The importance of sustainability in Coliving

Coliving and sustainability

In a world where the environment and sustainability are increasingly important, one of the spaces that allow us to be more sustainable is coliving, a lifestyle that is gaining popularity around the world. But why is sustainability so important in coliving? In this article, we'll explore this question and discover how you can do your part to lead a more sustainable life in our community.

The importance of sustainability in coliving


Carbon footprint reduction

Sustainability in coliving is important because it helps reduce our carbon footprint. This is achieved through sustainable practices, such as using recycled and renewable materials, conserving energy and water, and reducing waste. In a coliving space, where many people share resources and spaces, it is even more important to work together to reduce our carbon footprint. That is why at Covive, we are committed to encouraging practices in our community that help the environment, such as responsible and conscious consumption of products, services and resources.

Fostering community

Sustainability in coliving at Covive also helps foster community and teamwork. By working together to reduce our carbon footprint, we can create a culture of sustainability that brings people together around a common goal. This can help create a sense of belonging and solidarity in the house.

Cost savings

Sustainability can also help save money in the long run. By reducing energy and water use, utility costs can decrease, which can result in significant savings for coliving residents. In addition, using sustainable materials can be more economical in the long run, as these materials tend to last longer than non-sustainable ones.

How can I promote sustainability in your Casa de coliving?

Water savings 

The good use of water at home involves a series of habits and actions that allow us to save and conserve it. To do this we recommend reporting any leaks or leaks in our spaces in addition to taking shorter showers, as they are one of the main sources of water consumption at home, to give you an idea, taking a shower of 5 minutes instead of 10 could mean a saving of up to 45 liters.

You can also support us by using the washing machine and dishwasher efficiently, that is, when they are completely full and using short and efficient cycles to save water. And lastly, consider reusing the water you used while waiting in the shower instead of throwing it away. If you need to, you can request the use of a bucket to collect the water so that our cleaning team can use it to water the plants and clean the house.

Reduce energy consumption

Another way you can lead a more sustainable lifestyle in the spaces shared by the entire community is by reducing energy consumption. This can be done through simple practices such as turning off lights when you don't need them, using energy-efficient LED bulbs, and unplugging electronic devices when you're not using them.

Waste reduction

Finally, one way to be more sustainable in your home is to reduce the amount of waste you produce. This can be done through simple practices such as recycling, composting and reusing items instead of buying new ones. Always keep in mind that you have a whole community with whom you can share and that what may be garbage to one may be useful to another. Taking these small actions can reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and reduce your carbon footprint.

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