Work from home efficiently


In these times of health contingency caused by the COVID-19 virus, most office workers have been forced to perform the now famous home office, and the truth is that for some people it is a completely new issue and like any change it may cost us a little work to get used to it and be effective.


But don't worry because in our team we have always been flexible with remote work and we are familiar to share with you some tips so that these next few weeks of social confinement don't leave a bad taste in your mouth. The first thing to keep in mind is that the world is not going to end and in theory nothing should change the way you work.


Take your workspace seriously


Please don't work from your bed because your body needs to separate the objects where you rest and where you work, this could bring sleep problems in the near future. Note, we are not saying that it is not valid for a while in the morning when you just woke up, but don't do it all day long.


Ideally, find some space for you to install the most ergonomic chair you can find at home, a desk or table where you can have everything you need at hand. The more natural light you have, the better for your mood.


Keep your posture, we know that one feels much more comfortable and eager to expand in the chair, but take care of your posture, we do not want unnecessary back and neck pain.


Follow your routine


Stand up, take a bath, exercise and eat breakfast. Just as you would normally do if you were going to the office, none of that should change. The fewer activities in your routine the less you will feel that things are changing. If you start dropping things from your routine, chances are that those moments will become idle and you will end up consumed by anxiety or worse, you will be filled with bad vibes.


Get ready, wear your usual clothes to the office, put on some perfume and do that dance in front of the mirror that you do every day before going out in traffic.


Plan your activities


You have work to do, you have personal projects, you have to eat and entertain yourself, make a calendar or follow an agenda with schedules so you don't go crazy and get unfocused. Include exercise, of any kind, but do it. Hopefully you'll find that you don't need to pay that expensive gym membership to exercise.

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