Card Deck | Ask questions and connect with the community

Deck Cards

At Covive we believe that getting to know someone can be a very fun process, that's why we designed one of our most special community objectives; the "Ask and Connect" card game, created especially for the community. 

The idea is that through these letters we can build meaningful conversations and get to know more about the people who share the same space as you, find points of coincidence, similar tastes, listen to strange anecdotes or whatever you can think of. 

This game consists of 51 cards divided into 3 levels:

  • Level 1 - Superficial Questions: Questions to break the ice, gain confidence and gain perspective.
  • Level 2 - Everyday Questions: frequent questions that you usually ask a person to find out more about his or her life, likes and dislikes, etc.
  • Level 3 - Transcendental Questions: questions to probe into the most vulnerable and underexplored areas of the participants.

The game can be used with friends, strangers, family, partners and pretty much anyone you want to establish a deeper connection with within the community. Just take a couple of cards (or as many as you want) and sit down in the room with any (or all) of your roommates and ask what's on the cards. 

Feel free to generate your own dynamics, dare to create connections and have deep and meaningful conversations.

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