The Pros of being a Digital Nomad

Digital Nomad

During the last two years we have made many changes in our lifestyles, we have lived more with our families, we learned to take more care of our health, but we have also dreamed of being free and travel knowing the world as locals, make new friends and continue doing what we are most passionate about, so the digital nomads are now a trend that we have heard a lot about, but let's start from the beginning What is a digital nomad?

A Digital Nomad is a person who uses the Internet as his main tool to perform his work from anywhere in the world, so he can lead a "Nomadic" life.

In this definition we can already see some advantages of being a Digital Nomad:

  1. Freedom of Movement: Nowadays the Internet has allowed some professions to work remotely from anywhere in the world, from your bed to a cafe in Paris, as long as you have a computer and Internet you will not fail in your work.
  2. Nomadic lifestyle: Just for the previous point many people have adopted this way of living, which allows us to connect with new people, make new friends, get to know other places and customs of the locals.

In addition some other PRO's of being a Digital Nomad can also be:

  1. Community building: As we already mentioned, traveling allows you to connect with other people with whom to create bonds and as the phrase goes "They become the family of your choice". In addition, with technology we can stay connected with our new friends and even coincide in another part of the world, which creates stronger communities.
  2. Acquire new values: Sharing with people with different cultures, customs and opinions can help us develop respect, tolerance and empathy.
  3. Learning new things: Living as a local in a country that is not your own also allows you to learn new things every day: food, places, experiences, etc. Imagine what your life would be like if every day was a new adventure.

So if you think this incredible way of life appeals to you, don't wait any longer and take the plunge, at Covive you will find your home in Mexico City.

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