Newton House and its significance for the community

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In 2018 we started this journey of living by sharing. Casa Pushkin was where our dreams began to materialise. Now, almost 3 years later, we can see the path and the lessons we have learned.

Newton House

This house is the result of many experiences, learnings and successes that we have experienced. It also reflects the lessons learned in focus groups, constant feedback, research on colour psychology and interior design and much more. But above all, it reflects our purpose of building community.

The daily greeting

At home, they are greeted by a room that welcomes them with its colour. There, it is the preferred space for the morning ritual. This coffee room is specially designed to make your days full of energy. 

There is also a reading room that invites you to concentrate, a TV room where you can enjoy the company of a good film, a football match or a game of video games.

Design made for coexistence

Each space is designed to make the most of the community, from a large kitchen with two grills, to a huge terrace where you can brunch, play ping pong, do yoga or any other activity you wish. 

Within its walls there are many spaces to cohabit and enjoy, under its open spaces surrounded by plants, there is a lot of life that allows us to connect and enjoy.

Sharing is living more

As always, in Covive we want to emphasize the importance that sharing is living more and we believe that this house is the living experience of it. 

We are very proud of Casa Newton and all the messages and learning we have managed to capture in its design. We are convinced that it will be a pleasant, comfortable and enjoyable space, where privacy is not at odds with coexistence. Where the concept of "home" goes beyond a place to sleep and cook. Where you will not only find a home, but a family.

Welcome, welcome home Newton. More than a home, an experience.

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