5 ways to work remotely


Whether it is because the current world situation has forced us to work remotely or because you are a fervent follower of the remote work movement, you will surely realize that it is not the same as working in a defined physical space, but the truth is that from our own experience we can tell you that you can always improve your situation to work better.


Maintain direct communication.


The physical distance that we have with our work team deprives us of blabbing all over the place and wasting time, but on the other hand it also limits our communication with those people from whom we always learn something. Don't let distance eat that opportunity, write to him and schedule a conference.

Even if you are far away you can always be in a video call with your work team, meetings are not only for meetings, you can always chat for a while through any digital platform.


What's stopping you

Now that you are working remotely and you haven't defined whether you like the idea or not... have you thought about what stopped you from trying it before? If you are getting used to it and have found a comfortable and efficient way to work this way, why not do it constantly?


Of course, job trends are shifting towards this modality in more positions every year, and chances are that this type of pandemic will only accelerate and promote this modality even more. We're super excited. What do you think about it?



Yes, invest time and effort in developing new knowledge, develop your skills to be in constant improvement. Be honest with yourself, now that you don't waste two hours a day in traffic or public transportation, you have that time to take an online course, read a book and even take weekly webinars with different topics.


Get organized

Don't lose the routine you had before and organize your time now that you have more. Define your working hours and organize all the other priorities in the dead times, so you won't go crazy and you will be very efficient.

Stay inspired

Sometimes loneliness can bring down our morale and throw us into a spiral of procrastination that will end in stress or anxiety. Let's avoid this by exploring our community, nearby public spaces, exercise, take a walk or hang out with friends. Additionally you can watch your favorite movies in your book time or watch those motivational videos that lift our spirits.


Take care of your physical and mental health, always.

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