Design solutions for small spaces


Sometimes our space seems very small because we don't have the complete idea of where to place all our knick-knacks, or the best way to optimize the space. Maybe you've already seen the Netflix series where they teach us how to arrange everything, but if you haven't seen it, here are some tips to improve the space where you live.

Make a plan

You don't need to make a professional floor plan, just take a sheet of paper and paint the plan of your spaces, define zones for different uses. Take into account the furniture you have and its measurements to arrange it in your floor plan where it works best for you or takes up the least amount of space. Your floor plan essentially works so you can measure and create a good balance between free and occupied spaces.


As Marie Kondo taught us in those amazing 40-something minute episodes, where, how and what you store are the key pieces. Usually a hidden storage is the best option for small spaces. We can also recommend you to use bookcases to kill two birds with one stone.

Creates illusions

We're not asking you to become a magician, but we are asking you to use a few tricks to your advantage. A long mirror leaning against a wall gives the impression of a more extended space. This can help some spaces in your room or home look larger despite being cramped or cluttered.


Try to use different spaces for your things, for example, if a space is already loaded with books try not to fill every spare centimeter with pictures. Either go for pure books in a bookcase or achieve a balance with other things like plants, pictures or accessories.


One last tip: Invest the most money in the places where you spend the most time.

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