How to be a better remote worker (II/II)

  1. Don't let your creativity fall

Usually collaborative work always brings very good ideas. Your collaborators used to come up with good ideas or help you solve some problems in ways that you wouldn't think of.


When working remotely this becomes more difficult and you will probably only focus on finishing the task you have in the fastest way. Most of the jobs that are working remotely nowadays are creative and we need to be always updated and immersed in the industry we are working in so I leave you with these recommendations:


  • Take a break each day so you can plan your activities, leave some free space to think about what else you can contribute to your tasks.
  • Look for events nearby that are of interest to you or your work. It can be movies, books, lectures and even going out to work or a physical activity always promotes creativity in the brain.
  • Share your ideas with acquaintances and strangers. Remember that we all think differently and sometimes you may be amazed at how much someone else can contribute to you.


  1. Find a mentor


You can certainly find him/her inside or outside your organization and it doesn't really matter if there is a formal relationship with him/her. The most important thing is that he/she is someone you admire and who inspires you to keep creating and improving.


Many times we manage to find mentors digitally, unbeknownst to them, they are influencing our way of thinking and are inspiring new thoughts, ideas and mental models that we can explore to further our growth.


  1. Align with your team


You are working remotely, but you are not alone and there is still a team, goals and responsibilities to fulfill. The metrics that your organization has set for itself are key to its growth, so it is of utmost importance that you are connected to them and that your daily activities are aligned so that they are met.


Talk to your team whenever you can to be on the same page so that everyone feels part of the process and that each triumph is a triumph of the team and not just of one person.



  1. Focus, test and advance


The 'concentration' factor is now one of the most important, when you are in a relaxed and relaxed environment you can lose the natural focus of your work activities. Try to focus on a single activity until you finish it and then move on to the next one.


If your new work habitat is your own home, try not to mix the activities you have at home with your work schedule because if you are not used to it you will probably not see progress in either and you will get into unnecessary stress. There is time for everything.



The changes are often imposing so take your time and analyze your steps to get used to the new work dynamics because every year new recruits join this remote work modality.

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