Keys to living better with your roommates

Roommates sharing

Living with other people is often a rough experience because it creates a lot of friction that we didn't even know about. Everyone's different schedules, everyone's habits and even the standards of patience or tolerance influence a good coexistence. At Covive we firmly believe that sharing should be a positive experience, doing it for pleasure and not out of necessity, that is why we share the following tips:



You will never reach an agreement in the middle of a fierce fight because of some inconvenience with your roomie, that is why it is better to talk things over from the beginning. Make things clear about what you are looking for in terms of schedules, cleanliness, tolerance, among many others.


For example, if you warn your roomie, from the beginning, that your schedule is always late at night and you arrive at late hours. It is more likely that you will not take him by surprise and he will not create an inconvenience because he will be prepared for this.


If you let him know that you have a partner and that he is likely to be visiting constantly, it is less likely that inconvenience will arise from this than if you catch him in a curve and he suddenly finds a stranger walking through his house.


Cleaning schedules

If individual cleaning is definitely not working to keep the shared spaces clean, then set up an assigned schedule for everyone to do some cleaning chores. Hey, be fair with the division of roles.


It will help them a lot to live together and make their relationship stronger, if they agree and do the cleaning activities together.



Agree on who does the groceries, who should pay for the internet, water, utilities, among the many other things that must be met when renting. If it is your responsibility to buy the drinking water, assume it and take care of the matter so that you never let them down.


Make sure everyone is very clear about their responsibilities.


Better join Covive


If after reading this you are reaffirming that you are ready to share a house or apartment with your roomies, you should try living with us. Coliving eliminates this type of friction that is caused in the daily routine of sharing and generates very good experiences by sharing resources and spaces in a positive way.

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