Thinking of moving in with your partner? Consider these tips.


You have been dating for some time, you are getting to know each other in every possible way. Your relationship is working and you have managed to live different experiences as a couple, you may even know each other's families. Beyond the next step in formality, you are probably starting to share a place to live as well.

Moving in with another person brings many challenges of many kinds, to begin with, let's talk about defining which apartment you can both move into, most likely both of you will be renting. On the one hand, the obvious reason is to move to the larger one, but then we get into other details such as the division of expenses, responsibilities and even the budget in order to live in the best location for both of you.

And well, we could go on talking about all the challenges that making this decision brings with it, but we know that what you are looking for are the tips to make this process the best way possible so we start with:

Discuss before making the decision

It seems very obvious but the reality is that in many occasions we don't really talk about it, it is not fair for either party not to be able to talk about it and not be able to express their point of view. Yes, life is for living and decisions have to be made quickly but well discussed and both on the same page to ensure the best outcome.

If you are both on the same page about living together, then the discussion should turn to your interests about location, the budget you can each contribute, space and size preferences, and even discuss your allergies. What if one of you is allergic to something and you encounter it in your new living space together?

Discuss budgets and finances to share

Yes, unfortunately budgets are always a topic that can cause many discussions, but do not worry the thing is in communication and reach an agreement. You probably have different incomes and there is some financial freedom in each of you, ideally you should both be able to contribute equally, but I am sure you can come to an agreement where you are both satisfied with your respective contributions.

Now that, if you are feeling a little overwhelmed by this step, remember that at Covive we have Rooms available for couples, with a single fee you will be covering all your housing needs and much more. At Covive your monthly contribution covers all utilities, cleaning services and personalized experiences for the community. As well as access to the common spaces of the network as a Coworking.which is the best location?

Make this decision according to your life expectations, i.e. if you are looking to live closer to your work or to certain areas of the city because that is where you spend most of your days. It is very likely that you both share tastes for different areas of the city but your jobs are far from each other, so look for a middle ground that works for both of you. Remember to take into account your means of transportation, being well connected with mobility networks contributes a lot to the quality of life you can have.

Divide responsibilities and duties

Life sharing a space for the first time with a person can throw us off balance because we are used to keep our place in such a way, because we take out the garbage on Wednesdays or because Sundays are for cleaning with your favorite playlist (We leave you ours: Sharing Happiness).

Again, the solution is in communication, although if what you are looking for is to avoid all kinds of friction you can live in our community. We take care of the cleaning, pay for all the services, already have laundry facilities for you, you will be located in one of the best central areas of Mexico City with incredible spaces designed to make sharing a pleasure.

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